In the screwball comedy series Starstruck, we follow the chaotic life of Jessie (Rose Matafeo), a millennial from New Zealand who finds herself in the bustling streets of Hackney, London. Juggling two dead-end jobs, one as a nanny and the other at a local cinema, Jessie is trying to make ends meet while pursuing her dreams.
Everything takes an unexpected turn when, on New Year’s Eve, Jessie has a wild night and wakes up the next morning next to Tom (Nikesh Patel), a charming and handsome stranger. As she tries to navigate the awkwardness of the morning-after-the-night-before, Jessie soon discovers that Tom is not just any ordinary guy — he’s a world-famous film star. And what starts as a seemingly random encounter quickly turns into a whirlwind romance as Jessie and Tom continue to cross paths.
In Season 3, the series goes in a completely different direction from the first two seasons, taking a step back from the romance. Jessie, now in her 30s, is grappling with that oh-so-relatable feeling of feeling left behind while all her friends are settling down. As Jessie deals with her friend group’s changing dynamics, she must also figure out how to move on and carve her own path. It’s real and raw, but the show manages to keep things light and entertaining, making it a hilarious and heartwarming watch.
Catch Season 3 of Starstruck on September 1, exclusively in the Philippines on Lionsgate Play