Rustan’s Senior Vice President for Planning and Development, Mr. Michael T. Huang, represented the entire Rustan Group of Companies (RGOC) in formalizing its donation of 2,100 AstraZeneca vaccines to Mayor Francis Zamora of the City of San Juan.
Proposed and spearheaded by Mr. Huang, the RGOC community concurred with the intent of extending available and unused vaccines to a Local Government Unit so it can ramp up vaccination roll out to its constituents. Having chosen San Juan as its beneficiary, initial coordination with Dr. Mitzi Tanchoco, the City Health Officer and presentation and acceptance of proposal by the office of the City Mayor were observed before the actual transfer of the vaccines.
During the turnover, San Juan City Mayor Francis Zamora received the doses of AstraZeneca donated by the Rustan Group Of Companies which includes Rustan Coffee Corporation (Starbucks), Adora/TGI (Travel with the Grooves, Inc, RDFS/RWRI (Royal Duty-Free Shop), and Rustan Commercial Corporation.