The dynamic duo, Darren Espanto and Cassy Legaspi, embarked on an exhilarating journey into the heart of “Elemental,” journeying into Element City to mingle with its vibrant residents during a recent trip to the renowned Pixar Animation Studios in California. Their enchanting escapade was captured for posterity on their social media platforms, drawing much love and anticipation from their followers.
Disney and Pixar’s “Elemental” unravels the captivating tale of Ember, a spirited, sharp, and fiery young lady. Her unlikely friendship with Wade, a cheery, laid-back, and go-with-the-flow guy, forms the heart of this cinematic gem.
As part of their Pixar Animation Studio tour, Darren and Cassy put their acting prowess to the test as they stepped into the shoes of Wade and Ember, giving voice acting a whirl. Their enthralling experience was captured in a video you can catch here.
They had the opportunity to be part of the filmmaking magic behind “Elemental,” learning to sketch the film’s intriguing characters and getting firsthand insight from the creative minds behind the film. This included conversations with the film’s director, Peter Sohn, as well as the talented Filipinos involved in the project such as Sets Technical Lead, Aylwin Villanueva, and Ronnie del Carmen, the voice behind Ember’s father, Bernie Lumen.
The duo made the most of their visit, exploring their favorite Pixar characters and films at the Pixar Studios’ Art Gallery and Campus Studio.
“Elemental” is the creative brainchild of Peter Sohn, with Denise Ream serving as the producer and Pete Docter as the executive producer. The screenplay is penned by John Hoberg & Kat Likkel and Brenda Hsueh based on their story along with Peter Sohn. The mesmerizing score for the film is composed and conducted by Thomas Newman. Mark your calendars as “Elemental” arrives in theaters on Wednesday, June 14, 2023.
Get ready to explore into the world of Disney and Pixar’s “Elemental“! For the latest updates, make sure to follow Disney Studios Philippines on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube.